Have you ever attended a church service and thought or felt the sermon was for you? Feels as if every word was being ministered to you? Acribba Lightbourne has been that minister to me, through Instagram. Yes, through Instagram. God's ways are intentional.
A rare user of Instagram, It was God's will that I browsed across Acribba's page (still don't recall exactly how). A few motivational posts immediately attracted me to watch a video. During the video I was so blessed, left me eager to follow.
I believe a few days after, Acribba went Live. EVERY thing I prayed and was asking God questions to, Acribba ministered. I thought maybe it was a coincidence. (Lord you really have a sense of humor.) The same week I got a visitation by God. Left in awe again, I knew she was a messenger of the King.
The following week, I was on a media fast during a "Pray for your Future Spouse Challenge". I felt led by the Holy Spirit to get ready for Acribba's Live session. I literally cut my prayer challenge webinar session short that evening. Once again, the Holy Spirit used her to minister to me. During that session Acribba mentioned having her husband on the following week as a guest. (There goes God again, so intentional lol)
Indeed, I was blessed after hearing both speak Acribba and Freddie speak about marriage and dating. I enjoyed both being so transparent, honest and real. Topics from The Lightbourne's were similar to those of the mentors from the Prayer Challenge.
After a long day, I vowed the week after Wednesday that I would be in and asleep, by 8. When I was just about to turn off my phone, Instagram notification. I thought to myself, I'll pop in and then go to bed. Nope, God wouldn't allow it. Acribba ministered again. God's ways are so intentional.
Akera Morley